Saturday, 19 March 2016

So excited!

Oh my!! 

Hello again! I bet you were not expecting to see me so soon?! Ha ha

Welł I have something REALLY REALLY exciting to share with you all!! Oh my!! I can hardly keep it in!! Oh but I will! Ha ha until at least Monday when something comes in the post!! Eeeeeek!!

Sorry but you will all have to wait until Monday, maybe Tuesday!? Depends which day it arrives on! Let me explain now, when it arrives it all I will be doing!! 

Eeeeeeeeek! I am so so excited.

Ha ha for fun you could guess what I am so excited about! Ha ha I doubt anyone will guess correctly! 

I will pop back once my surprise arrives in the post! Hee hee



  1. Lol I have no clue but I'm excited to see!

  2. I am excited for you!Is it something to do with sports and exercising? Maybe you need to exercise a bit apart from exercising your fingers with stitching!AriadnefromGreece!

  3. I am excited and curious for you too!!! Roll on Monday/Tuesday!!!

  4. I am happy that you are happy! :D

  5. Have a happy weekend waiting for your treat in the post

  6. I'm excited that you are excited!
    I am guessing something connected with food, maybe a special blender or juicer?

  7. coooo can't wait till you reveal ... hmmmm may be being a model stitcher ?? love mouse xxxxxx


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