Thursday, 5 March 2015

Pay It Forward ......Special edition up-date.....

Hello friends... 

Here is a special edition to my blog, to say Thank You... All will become clear....

It just happened that I received a lot of these things whilst in hospital....and was truly grateful as they cheered me up heaps!

The first thing I would like to talk about is something that has already been mentioned on this wonderful persons blog... Anthea from Hibiscus Stitches  ... Her link....sorry as I am on my iPad I have no idea how to make this a linky thing.... So could I ask you just to cut and paste....

Well a while ago I agreed and signed up to her PIF... Lol that is a funny term!  It stands for Pay It Forward.  I signed up because I love to give things to people... I get so much joy from this so thought why not!!

As I said whilst in hospital I received Anthea's wonderful PIF gift.... 

Yes I borrowed this photo from Anthea's blog as I am useless at taking photo's!

The photo's I took...

The parcel.... Lovely paper :)

The PIF gift...

See useless at taking photo's!!

I would like to say a massive Thank You to Anthea for making such a lovely gift.  For me it's very useful and I will and am using it! Everything about it I love... The fabric, the colours it's just lovely and I never expected such a wonderful gift.  Thank You xx

Now that I have received my PIF gift it is my turn to pay it forward..... 

Here is my pledge....

1. PROMOTE PIF ON YOUR BLOG AND CHOOSE 3 PEOPLE YOU WILL SEND TO... You can use a random number generator or just pick 3,request that prospective recipients be a Followerof your blog.  This assists in providing you with some assurance that your chosen people are not going to vanish out of blog land, and that they will (hopefully) reliably do their part of PIF.

2. MAKE A LITTLE HANDMADE SOMETHING FOR 3 PEOPLE WHO OPT IN. You decide yourself whether you are ok to send international or not.  If you would rather mail to just 2 people, or perhaps 4 if your feeling generous, go ahead! Of course bear in mind the time, money and postal costs involved in your choices.

3. SURPRISE YOUR 3 PEOPLE; DONT TELL THEM WHEN YOUR MAILING TO THEM!! Of course, when you choose them, you'll need to ask for their postal details.


5. IF YOU NEED ANY OTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL ME. PIF is really easy and quite fun, the main thing is that each person will keep their commitment.

That is it really!!
So I have decided to send to 2 amazing people that opt in :) 


To get a handmade gift from me you have to play too!!!

1. If you put your name forward to receive from me, you pledge to make and send to 2,3 or 4 of your own readers.

2. It does not have to be a 'quilty' thing, but has to be hand made.

3. You must have a blog.  If it's reasonably up-to-date t helps me to get a feel for what you might like to receive.

4. Once you have received your mal from me, you must post about Pay It Forward on your blog and keep the fun going!


If you are interested in PIF then please indicate in your comment by saying PIF :) thank you :)


  1. Hi Jacquie,
    I would LOVE to participate in your PIF (pay it forward). This will be the first for me, I have only participated in exchanges at my LNS. This should be fun. :)
    Happy Stitching! I hope you feel better soon.
    Ann Christie
    Cambridge, Ontario, Canada

  2. Good luck to all who take part in this one. For me I don't do PIF, I just choose someone I think would like one of my knitted bunnies when I have one ready for a new home. I hope yours is behaving herself.. did you give her a name?

  3. Lovely parcel you received Jacqui xx


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Smiles :)