Friday, 31 March 2017

Good intentions...

Oh my!! What can I say......

I thought I was actually going to be on schedule and put regular blog post up again...hmmmm what happened your wondering? I shall try to explain...

As you can see from the top picture something is wrong! Kevin and Han had caught the snuffles that turned into them both feeling and being rather poorly. Han ended up taking antibiotics for a chest infection. Then poor jon caught it!! Oh my! He literally slept for three whole days! During all that I was feeling alright and running everyone around! 

Then.... Just as jon got better I developed a cough, then my cough got worse.  It's now a full blown horrendous bark! When I cough it's hard to catch my breath and leaves me really light headed, so once again I am stuck in bed.  The best place for me I think! I have no energy and don't think I am over the worst of it yet, I have snuffles, blocked ears and nose and someone has a drill in my head constantly! Han tells me it's going to get worse before it gets better! Hmmmm I keep telling myself it's only a cold! 

Just look at all th meds I am taking...ha ha not all at once! I would like to think they are helping 😊

Whilst being poorly I have tried to do some crafting... Very hard when you can't stop coughing and have no patience for anything. I have done a little doodling with water coloured paints, that's been quiet relaxing.  Ha ha until I start coughing! 

Here is some of my doodling...

Yes I love colour 😊

Ok so here is what I have just about managed to do! 

I prepared my lovely May Basket by Primitive Gatherings.. All I had to do was stitch it down! 

Here is how it was.....

I have managed to put a few stitches in....

Look at the reverse...

I think it rather funny. And the front now....

I think I managed to match the wool colour alright😊 it shall be stitched...soon! 

Oh yes!!! Have to tell you about something I made recently that I am very pleased with.  It's something I had been meaning to do for ages.  To protect my millennium frame and stitching when I am either taking it somewhere or not stitching. This was no easy task as the millennium frame is 45 inches long! Ha ha well I made something and even put a zip in it! Go me!! Han calls it my millennium sleeping bag! Ha ha

I naturally covered up my stitching as its a secret! A Hands Across The Sea design under construction!! 



I feel very happy that I managed to make this! And thankfully just before I got ill!! 

Moving on...

Han and Kevin have been on my case! Oh in a nice way! See they both bought me this dmc kit for Christmas and have been nagging me to stitch it! So yes! I started it! It came on 14 count, I swapped it with some 18 count from my stash as I thought it went better!  Pretty design 😊

Here is where I am...

It's a start!! 

Hmmm talking of starts, I have neglected a particular lolly design that I MUST get back to... Yes! I am talking bout the Blue Ribbon design Botanical Blessings. This one...

I guess I have moved on a little since last time! Ever stitch counts, right?!

Ooooh yes! Sorry side tracking again, just remembered I never showed you all the bag I made with the floral fabrics... Remember this? 

Then this....

And my bag!! It's very useful.

Whilst I am off track here is something else! Jon had done some research into soothing an horrendous barking cough. He's such a great guy! And found out that marshmallows ease it!! Of course they do! Ha ha So Han and Kevin went to the my shock came back with this!!

I put my phone next to them (iPhone 7) so you could get perspective.

Little closer...

Crazy!! Apparently Han and Kevin found these beauties in the USA isle in Tesco! So maybe all you guys across the pond know about these already?! They are MASSIVE!! I am pleased to say they are helping too! Ha ha I can only manage one every few hours though! 

Ok so I have to get back under my duvet and all I have done since writing this up is cough and cough.... I think I sound much like a rather large dog barking at the moment, no! Maybe a walrus or seal! It's not good either way! 

Happy smiles to you all and I shall return when feeling better and have more to share with you all 😊


  1. Sorry to hear you've all been sick Jacquie. I love all of the projects that you have been working on.


  2. Get well soon Jacquie, you have so many lovely projects on the go that need your attention!

  3. Sorry you are feeling poorly, but I love how creative you have been.

  4. Gee your family has had a bad run with the cold/flu bugs. Hope you are all better now. You have made some beautiful things there Jacquie, the bag for your cross-stitch is a fantastic idea and love the flowers bag too, your paintings are lovely. You have so many beautiful projects on the go there. Those marshmellows are enormous!!!!

  5. Sorry to hear you've been poorly - but wow you have got a lot done! I love your bag for protecting your stitching. Lots of lovely projects on the go too x

  6. Hope you are feeling better soon. I've seen those enormous marshmallows for a few years now, but I've yet to buy some. Maybe this year for around the fire.

  7. How funny that marshmallows would help with a cough. Hoping you start feeling better soon!

  8. Hi Jaquie: Yes we have the big I mean big marshmallows here, they are so good and are good for a cough and of course a little or should I say big treat.
    You are very busy in the craft and sewing dept.
    You get better soon I hope.


  9. Get well soon!I don't know if marshmallows do your cough good but they have lots of sugar I think!AriadnefromGreece!

  10. Lots of lovely things to see in this post Jacqui. hope your are well on the mend now - i'm a little late in blog reading.
    Pineapple juice is also good for a cough, it lines the throat to ease the cough,


  11. Awesome blog, i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
    Thank for your very good article...!


  12. Great article..I am looking so forward to your blogcomment and
    I love your page on your post.. That is so pretty..

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  15. Great, will try this as well. This is something that I haven't even tried before.

  16. thanks for sharing this story I have learned new think today this was an amazing tip for me.

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