Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Day 25... what now!!

OH MY!!! What is that saying, it never rains it pours?!  Well I was all set to go to my exercise  session... for a light work out to get my slowing moving again.  And... I did not go as I was in A&E!! Oh not me this time!!  The other half, Jon!  He has been unwell and had this huge lump appear at the top of his spine, just below his neck, and its really painful.  We called GP out and he rang the hospital and so that is where we have been!  I am now back home and Jon has to see GP for a referral to ENT... we shall see hoe long that takes!

So day started GREAT, was really looking forward to going along to the session...was going to get weighed!  Oh well :(  

Now I am going tomorrow night, fingers crossed nothing crops up!  Hannah (daughter) went and said this new challenge for the teams is tough! OMG!! Well I cannot do it 100% yet as still recovering, not until I get the all clear off GP, from the blood test they take on the 8th February.  But by going I am hoping to do something, that has to be good..right!

OMG...some really sad news... my i phone has died!  :(  Yup its true!  So now I have no phone , but am putting a claim in to get another, how ever long that takes?  So no phone...OMG how will I cope!! lol  That means no photos, well until I can figure out how to transfer photos taken on my i pad to my PC where I write my blog.

So am sticking to eating healthy, becoming addicted to eating nuts!  I really never knew how good they really were, and they give me a little energy boost int he afternoon too :)

I took photos of what I ate today, I was doing so well... and a new tea reviewed... then the damn i phone died :(  Ok so no pictures today, but I will figure the i pad out for tomorrow.

I am feeling a little deflated as I was looking forward to going to the exercise session, but my husband comes first :)  Now he is OK, and I am on the mend things are hopefully getting back to normal again...what ever that is!

I still feel that drive in me to WANT to do this, its great!  And better still I WILL DO THIS!! 

Normal service will resume tomorrow! :)

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