Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Little giggle...

Goodness well I have a replacement phone (hmmm!) until either my i phone is repaired or replaced in hopefully 1 week.  My husband handed his phone to me and well I just could not stop giggling...he does not actually need to use it anymore as he is now at home all the time since injuring his back.  OMG... its actually a Nokiasaurus!! Seriously it is, see photo below!

Its really hard to get to grips with this phone when your used to using a touch frustrating :(  Its ancient, erm.. no offense meant if you have one of these :(  Its just that having an i phone then having to use this... I needed to watch Youtube to see how to do everything!  Took me just over 1 hour to just put 3 names and phone numbers in the contacts! lol  I am hoping I don't have to 'put up' with it for too long... oh that sounds terrible. I am grateful Jon had this for me to use, but arrrrghhh!  If you know what I mean!

Will post update about my i phone as and when I hear something...

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